I'm hoping that it was a bit of whimsy that motivated me to use a little bit of this and some of that in this loaf because Mrs PG and I have enjoyed this one quite a bit. The couche I ordered from Amazon.com arrived today so the loaf I start tomorrow should take a different appearance from the many that were shaped for the brotform. I'm planning on looking up all the Youtube clips I can find on shaping batards for my newest acquisition for the tool box.
150 g at 75% hydration
Main Dough
240 g bread flour
80 g stone ground whole wheat
20 g whole rye
20 g Spelt flour
240 g water at 85F
9 g kosher salt
1 Tbs (15 ml) honey
Some visitors from Denmark and New Zealand stopped by for a visit to this blog in the past week.
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