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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The garlic is in

The garlic crop of 2011 is finally in. It took only 2 weeks to dry this year, probably due the miserably hot weather that is presently being inflicted on us. My sweet peppers, Giant Marconi strain, are at last ready to be picked, chopped, and frozen for future use with a pizza or sauteed with some onions and garlic for sausages on some dreary winter day. The garden needs watering every other day because there's only the proverbial snowball's chance in Hell of rain in the near future.

I'm thinking about building a starter tonight for tomorrow's loaf. It's kind of a PITA to bake in this weather because the room temperature is already 80F with the AC on. I've considered a different baking procedure for this weather. The idea is to start at my usual 450F for the first 10 minutes but to lower the temperature to 375F for about 25-30 minutes and check the internal temp with my thermometer. There's no guarantee that this method won't overheat the house. There's also a good probability that a thicker crust will result. Since I still have my teeth, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

What to bake, what to bake? I think I'm going back to revisit my Sourdough Pioneer Bread. The starter it is then; 85% KAF AP and 15% rye, my RPG V.3.0 standby at 80% hydration for breads of all seasons and no particular reason.

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