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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Whole Rye and White Whole Wheat Bread

  This is a loaf that I developed from a formula in Hamelman's first edition of "Bread". His formula is a production recipe meant for businesses while I rationalize this one with the need for a loaf for supper the other day. I don't think that it would make much sense for a bakery but for just fooling around, trying to see how things work, I thought I'd put it into print (bits?) and get back to it sometime in the future.

The loaf does taste good but the crumb isn't wide open. Mr Hamelman mentioned in his book that the amount of rye and whole wheat would mean a denser crumb but that's all relevant to who is making the call. I'm not in Mr Hamelman's class of bakers so I have to keep practicing. It's the Carnegie Hall principal.

The first step I took was to build the starter which includes all the whole rye flour in the formula. About halfway through the expected time for the starter build, I initiated a preferment that included all the white whole wheat flour. The bulk fermentation required close oversight since the preferment isn't included in Mr Hamelman's formula. The room temperature here is averaging around 70F, not the 76F that is typical of bakeries, so my yeast growth is slower than the books I read. That includes using both my sourdough starter and my active dry yeast stock.

Shaping wasn't difficult since the dough was around 69-70% hydration. My proofing took a little longer than the suggested one hour but I think I could have stretched it out closer to two hours. Maybe next time.

20 g firm starter
93 g water at 90F
114 g whole rye flour

114 g white whole wheat flour
93 g water at 90F
1/4 tsp active dry yeast

Main Dough
227 g bread flour
129 g water at 85F
8 g kosher salt
1/4 tsp active dry yeast
All of starter
All of preferment

Comments, humor, and questions are welcome.
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