Today's loaf is a revisit of a flavor favorite, molasses wheat. It was also an opportunity to try the "halo slash" pattern. I think it would have looked better if I had used the "magic bowl" technique. As it stands, it still got some good oven spring and the interior crumb is nicely open.
150 g at 100% hydration
Main Dough
267 g bread flour
133 g stone ground whole wheat flour
280 g water
11 g kosher salt
All of starter
I enjoyed the outcome on this loaf in that I deliberately upped the hydration level thinking that the WW flour would absorb much of it. It turns out that my guess work was successful. After an overnight retarded proofing, I used a long counter top proof of about 4.5 hours. This was pleasant work.
The exotic locale page views for the past week or so included South Korea and Ireland.
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