It also appears that the way I shape the loaf should dictate the slashing pattern. For this loaf, I used two longitudinal slashes. I think I have to use a single slash to get the bloom I want. Because I didn't want the cane patterns from the brotform on the loaf, I lined the basket with a flour bag towel which brings about a shorter loaf. Next time, no towel to see if my rediscovered knowledge about proofing will produce the symmetrical loaf and dramatic bloom. As the pictures show, the crumb does have an open appearance. It is also a lighter crumb
145 g at 100% hydration
80 g Montana Milling nine grain cereal
56 g water
Main Dough
300 g bread flour
100 g hard red whole wheat flour
270 g water at 85F
11 g kosher salt
1 Tbs (15 ml) honey
All of soaker
All of starter
If it's April, I feel guilty when I don't take advantage of good weather to work outside. This week's chores will include relocating day lilies, trimming the butterfly bushes and Rose of Sharon plants, and getting after the dandelions in the flower beds before they get covered up by the other plants. The flower bed plants are still slow in growth which may mean a furious spurt as soon as the weather is consistently warm. I may plant some snow peas by the weekend just because I can. The juncos are still around, cleaning up under the feeders. We'll miss their industrious endeavours when they leave.
Comments, humor, and questions are welcome.
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