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Friday, August 19, 2011

The Current Pan Loaf

This is what's on the cutting board for sandwiches and other duties today. It's a 33% whole wheat loaf made with some home milled flour, the bran being plainly visible. As per habit of late, I soaked the WW for about four hours while I watched the starter mature.

I'm still flirting with a variation of my starter. For the County Fair breads, I substituted Heartland Mills Golden Buffalo and found it to respond well in elaborating a starter, slightly better than using rye flour which is my go to addition to the KAF AP. There's a possibility that the rye isn't kicking it  like it once did due to age.
Even though KAF sources a great deal of its flour from Kansas mills and Heartland is in SW Kansas, there's nothing to say that the wheat for the flours came from the same areas and would have similar yeast spores. Sure, it might have happened like that but I'm not betting my retirement funds on that. I'm just happy that they play well together. I have some Heartland Mills rye flour in the freezer that I'll open up as soon as the current rye is finished and I'm very curious to see what that does.

I think I got a decent crumb on this pan loaf. the dough was somewhat sticky but manageable enough to shape. I used AP flour on this loaf and it wasn't hard to tell that a boule or batard would have flattened out as soon as it was ready to slash.
One of these days, I'll actually restrain myself and make a smaller loaf to see if I'm defeating myself with these 800 g+ loaves that I make as a rule. Perhaps a 600 or 650 g loaf would be easier to shape or more likely to maintain its shape before loading in the oven.
The bread tastes pretty good and is light or soft in texture, not chewy at all. I used dried malt extract, something home beer brewers use often, instead of other sweeteners such as honey or sugar. It's relatively tasteless in a WW loaf.
Here are the ingredients and quantities that made this loaf happen.

150 g active sourdough starter
133 g whole meal flour
89 g water

Main Dough
267 g AP flour
177 water at 85F
5 g light dried malt extract
8 g kosher salt
all of starter
all of soaker
15 g sunflower oil

I didn't use any exotic or arcane methods in making the loaf. It doesn't need them. With a bread like this, I find that attention to detail in ingredients and procedure will get me through to the end and pull out a loaf fit for the table.

Comments, humor, and questions are welcome.

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