60 g Bob's Red Mill wheat germ
80 g water
180 g at 72% hydration
Main Dough
300 g bread flour
100 g white whole wheat flour
280 g water at 85F
11 g kosher salt
All of soaker
All of starter
At the end of mixing, the dough was on the sticky side, something to be expected with the hydration level. The slash down the middle of the loaf did lead to a wide expansion of the loaf but since I didn't have a sourdough pancake loaf, it's OK. The size matches the flavor. I used a bold bake and got rewarded with a nice, crisp crust that still left a lot of pieces on the cutting board after an overnight rest. The wheat germ is relatively invisible in the crumb so this formula could be used to slip a few good ingredients past a fussy eater.
The current roller coaster weather has brought quite a few birds to our feeders in the past few days. A yellow shafted flicker, a usually ground feeding variety of woodpecker, has been dropping by to partake of our suet feeder. The rest of the usual suspects have been hunting through the shallow snow cover under the feeders which is fine by me. The finches that stop and eat are guilty of atrocious table manners in that they spray more food over the surrounding real estate than they manage to eat for themselves. I suppose the juncos, ground feeders, are grateful that the finches are in sore need of more etiquette.
Comments, humor, and questions are welcome.
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