I've been through the bauernbrot and pan de campagne, pao de caseira, and now I'm in search of pan campesino. It's difficult for me to tell if Google has been my friend during recipe searches for this bread. While I can usually read a translation from German to English when done by Google Translate, the Spanish to English translations haven't been really coherent. But what can you expect when the translation doesn't cost money, just what they can data mine from my internet travels or these blog posts.
I haven't found one common style through all the different recipes I've read so far. Some have been sourdough but most use fresh yeast, a commodity that I can't find in any retail store in the greater KC area. A couple recipes included the use of rye flour, three mention wheat bran, and others use some form of fat. Many are just an enriched dough with sugar and butter added. This means that my recipe, while not from a Spanish speaking country and originating from my own head, has about the same validity as any of the others. If I get enough hits on this post, it could be the definitive recipe some day on Google's search engine. maybe they'll buy me a cup of coffee when that happens.
This was my first, an encouraging result if I say so myself, attempt. The hydration level is higher than the Spanish speakers' recipes which called for around 60% in some cases. Instead of a boule form as some pictures displayed, I proofed this loaf in a couche which resulted in what I thought to be a large loaf considering the amount of flour used. It worked well enough that I'll use that couche again.
170 g at 75% hydration, fed with 50% KAF AP, 50% home milled organic rye, in a two stage build over 20 hours
20 g wheat bran
40 g water
Soak for approximately three hours.
Main Dough
270 g bread flour
90 g white whole wheat
240 g water
All of starter
All of soaker
9 g kosher salt
The only thing I varied in my methodology for this loaf was to add the bran soaker in two stages, at three and five minutes into the final mix. The final mix was only six minutes by my decision since I was using WWW and the bran. My guess was that gluten development wouldn't be that high.
The bread does taste good without any trace of the bitterness or gritty texture that is common with bran additions.
The garden is almost cleaned up. We've had a killing frost on Friday morning so many of the annual flowers are done for the season as well. The herbs in the garden are still alive and useful except for the basil that its demise due to frost. Once the garden and yard are cleaned up, I'll plant my garlic as soon as I can get some straw for a mulch.
More and more birds are showing up at the feeders as the local harvests leftovers are cleaned up. The usual suspects are around but one unexpected early visitor has arrived. A male junco has been around my feeders this past week which is a disturbing sign. He's either particularly early or I've ignored their arrival in years past.The early arrival may be a sign of an earlier and perhaps colder winter to come, perhaps not.
A visitor from Ireland has joined the ranks of guests on my blog this past week.
Comments, humor, and questions are welcome.
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